days hours minutes seconds
615 13 46 14
days hours minutes seconds
1686 13 46 14
  • Наноспутник PolylTAN-1
  • Наноспутник PolylTAN-1
  • Наноспутник PolylTAN-2
  • Алюминиевые тепловые трубы с аксиальными канавками

CubeSat - small size (midget) artificial earth satellites used for space exploration which have a volume of 1 liter and a weight of not more than 1.33 kg or (multiple) more. The term «CubeSat» is designated nanosatellites (Nano-satellite), built under the direction of Professor Bob Twiggs (Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford). Satellites have a 10x10x10 cm size and launched using Poly-PicoSatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). The standard allows the union of 2 or 3standard cubes consisting of one satellite (denoted by 2U and 3U and have 10x10x20 or 10x10x30 cm size). One P-POD has dimensions sufficient to run three satellites 10x10x10 cm or less, the overall size of not more than 3U.